


3rd Annual PVRA Cornhole Tournament - Saturday, August 24th


What:  This is a doubles cornhole tournament (i.e. teams of 2). There will be a mixed doubles division (one male & one female player) and a men's doubles division. You can play on a team in each division.


When:  Saturday, August 24th starting at noon. The starting time for the tournament may be moved earlier based on the number of people participating. The mixed doubles division will play first, followed by the men's doubles division.


Who: The tournament is open to all PVRA members 13 years old and up. Non-members can play but must be on a team with a PVRA member.


How:  To register a team click on the link below. Registration will be open until the end of the day on Thursday, August 22nd, however, if you want to play please register ASAP as this will help us determine if we have enough interest to proceed.



Questions? Contact Greg McKerracher (mckerracher@hotmail.com).