Overview for Realtors & Homebuyers
Realtors/Home Buyers - Be sure to make sure the property is current on its PVRA fees prior to closing. See Realtors' Responsibility section below for more details.
PVRA will NOT negotiate on the amount of fees owed.
Pleasantview Recreational Association (PVRA) is a neighborhood pool and tennis club located in northern Ridgefield, CT. From Memorial Day to Labor Day our kid-friendly swim team, family picnics, tennis matches, an impromptu basketball or volleyball game, or a festive band night-provide plenty of family summer fun! The facility was originally created by a local builder to enhance community spirit while providing a valuable asset to each home he built. There is a unique culture of neighborhood friendliness and camaraderie at PVRA – it’s something special that consistently earns us the title of “best pool club in Ridgefield”.
As a private, not-for-profit association of 225 homeowners, we have an active, volunteer Board of Directors and we follow operating guidelines which are laid out in our official Bylaws. Most of the PVRA properties are located on Keeler Drive, Beaver Brook, Langstroth, Scodon, Evergreen, Pheasant, Sophia, Chipmunk, Ridgebury, Aaron's Court, Powdermaker, Keeler Court, School House, Canterbury and Turtle Ridge -- although not all properties on these streets are necessarily a part of our association.
There is often confusion and misinformation related to the term “deeded rights” as it relates to joining PVRA. To be clear -- there is not a single property in Ridgefield that has a deed that references the owner’s right to belong to The Pleasantview Recreational Association. Conversely, the 225 properties referenced above are simply listed in our Charter and Bylaws and the owners of these properties MAY join our association IF they abide by all membership requirements AND all dues and fees are current.
Realtors’ Responsibility

Any realtor that is representing one of the 225 properties listed in the PVRA Bylaws for sale MUST determine whether the seller of this property is current with their obligation to the association BEFORE they can make a legal claim that a new buyer would have unencumbered rights to join the association. The vast majority of our properties are current, but there are a few homeowners who have decidedly chosen not to pay the annual maintenance fee or to join the club as members for over a decade and their past-due fees have grown substantially. Correspondingly, these past-due fees represent a point of negotiation between buyer and seller – and the discussion concerning them should not be avoided until the day of the closing.
Real Estate Agents should contact the PVRA Board of Directors to determine the eligibility and payment status of any property claiming deeded PVRA rights. Failure to do so will create confusion and ill-will at your closing and the new owners may be left with a large debt and a feeling that their property was misrepresented by your agency. PVRA is NOT a taxing authority and hence we will never place liens on any properties for past-due balances. We can and will, however, deny membership to owners of said properties until such balances are remitted in full.
It is a very simple process to verify the status of a property. Simply email us at board@pvra.org with your name and affiliation, the address of the property in question, and a quick note indicating that you would like to verify the payment status of this property. We will respond to these inquiries promptly.