
Parental Responsibility


Parents/guardians must recognize the importance of controlling their children and their guests and accept the responsibility of enforcing the pool rules at all times.


The lifeguards are not to be considered baby-sitters. All children under the age of ten (10) years old must be accompanied by a parent or person specifically considered responsible for the child or children. 


Only members and their guests may use the pool. A member is defined as member in good standing. Good standing means that active membership dues for the given season have been paid in full as well any unpaid dues for the deeded property, and that the member has not had his/her privilege revoked or suspended for a serious infraction of PVRA rules.


Unaccompanied Minors

Children 10 years and older are permitted at the pool without their parents or other adult supervision.  However, please be aware of the following:

  • Only children 14 years or older may sign in guests. If you have a child between 10-13 years of age and they want to bring a guest, they must be accompanied by an adult member.
  • Likewise, only children 14 years or older may accompany a sibling under the age of 10, without adult supervision. Under no circumstance may 10 - 13 year old bring a sibling younger than 10 years of age without a adult member accompanying them.
  • If unaccompanied minor do not follow the rules or listen to the lifeguards than they may lose the privilege of attending the pool with out an accompanying adult member.



Parents/guardians of children committing acts of vandalism or other willful destruction shall be financially liable for necessary repairs.

Unclaimed Articles

A basket (lost & found) is provided into which all unclaimed articles are placed. The contents of the basket are disposed of each week on Saturday morning.