Pool Rules
The PVRA lifeguards are employed to ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming season for member families and their guests. While on duty the lifeguards will have complete authority over the pool's operations. They are expected to follow the direction(s) of the Pool Director only, and the regulations as set forth below. In the interest of common sense, certain adjustments to the regulations may be deemed necessary during the season; however, the decision rests solely with the Pool Director.
Lifeguard Responsibility
The lifeguard(s) on duty has complete responsibility for controlling the activities in the pool area and the cabana. Although unlikely, it is conceivable that conflicts could arise between the lifeguard and parent(s) regarding particular disciplinary cautions. In all such cases, the lifeguard's decision or request shall be complied with. Subsequent resolution or disagreements/disputes will be the ultimate responsibility of the Pool Director.
Specific responsibilities of lifeguards are detailed in the lifeguard handbook. General responsibilities are as follows:
- Ensure the safety of all swimmers.
- Control the activities in the pool area.
- Maintain the cleanliness of the pool, the pool area and the cabana. Lifeguards are not janitors; please help by cleaning-up after yourself and your family members.
- Maintain proper bacterial control of the pool.
- Ensure that all swimmers are properly attired in bathing suit – NO JEANS, SWEATSHIRTS, OR ANY FORM OF STREET CLOTHING IS ALLOWED IN THE POOL.
- Verify eligibility of all members, and account for the registration of all guests.
- Clear the pool when required for reasons of safety, or when leaving the pool area for any reason.
- Ensure the proper use of the cabana telephone. No long distance calls are permitted. Local calls should be limited to short duration.
- Ensure cleanliness of bathrooms and kitchen area.
Swimming Experience Requirement

The basic requirement for use of the deep end of the swimming pool will be the demonstrated ability of the individual to swim the length of the pool without hesitation or assistance of any kind. The lifeguard will verify individual ability.
The use of the deep end of the pool by any member or guest shall be at the discretion of the lifeguard, and at the risk of the individual.
Swim Diaper Requirements
- All infants and toddlers that are not potty trained MUST wear swim diapers AND plastic swim diaper protectors in the main and kiddie pools.
- If your child is potty trained BUT has occasional accidents, we ask that you follow the above precautionary measures as well.
- We also ask that parents remind their younger potty trained children to use the bathroom on a regular basis.
- Both swim diapers and the plastic protectors will be available for purchase from the snack shack for a reasonable price.
Additional Pool Rules
- NO ONE is permitted into the snack shack unless they are a lifeguard or other PVRA staff member.
- No running or skateboarding on the concrete area surrounding the pool is permitted. Bicycles and pets are not permitted in the pool area at any time.
- No roughhousing in or around the pool.
- Diving & jumping into the pool is only permitted in the deep end (dive well). No flips or backward dives are permitted.
- Food is permitted only in the grass area. Upon consumption, all paper and containers must be disposed of in the proper trash receptacles.
- Water games or activities that inconvenience others and/or may be considered dangerous to others are prohibited in the pool area. The decision as to whether a particular activity is considered dangerous or bothersome to others is left to the discretion of the lifeguards.
- Styrofoam swimming aids in the pool are prohibited.
- Swim diapers must be worn under bathing suits (per Connecticut State Health Code) for all children 3 and under.
- All drinking must be done from paper or plastic cups or other suitable non-breakable material. Single-serve glass containers are prohibited at the PVRA. This includes beer bottles, cooler bottles, and glassware. Wine bottles are permitted but are not allowed on the pool deck, and should be kept in a cooler or other secure location except when being poured.
- Only the lifeguards are permitted to sit in the lifeguard chairs.
- When the lifeguard must leave the pool area for any reason, everyone must leave the pool.
- Swimming during electrical storms is strictly prohibited
- No standing on lounge chairs
- No dumping water into the sandbox.
- If a child is at PVRA during swim or camp but not registered as participating in either, they must remain on the pool deck with a caregiver, they are not allowed in playgrounds, on sand, or at the pond as the pool is not officially open and these areas are not supervised.
Discretionary Lifeguard Rules
- Emergencies – The pool must be cleared immediately to allow the lifeguard to devote his/her undivided attention to handling the emergency.
- Rest Period – A five-minute break may be taken during periods of maximum pool use during which time the pool must be cleared.